My Minimalist Lifestyle Journey: Happiness Of Ordinary

My Minimalist Lifestyle Journey: Happiness Of Ordinary

The path to a Minimalist Lifestyle is a deeply personal one. Each individual has the freedom to define and practice minimalism uniquely, tailored to their circumstances and values. Some may choose a more extreme approach to a Minimalist Lifestyle journey, while others, like myself, prefer a more moderate path, simplifying specific areas of our lives.

My name is Angele. My partner and I live our version of a Minimalist Lifestyle in the beautiful German city of Munich. The perfect place for park walks, mountain hikes, river surfing, and swimming in turquoise lakes, all surrounded by stunning landscapes. This is my happiness of the ordinary, but it has not always been that way. It took me some time to get here.

My roots trace back to the countryside in Lithuania, a place abundant in untouched nature and lush greenery. I grew up surrounded by beautiful pine forests, rivers, and lakes. It was there that I developed my love for the outdoors.

Lietuvos gamta #lietuvosgamta

This is the lake where I enjoyed my childhood swims.

Looking back, I realize that I had lived a Minimalist Lifestyle for most of my life in Lithuania without even realizing it.

In childhood, after my parents divorced, my world crumbled. It was not only the wailing heartbreak to cope with… There was a tough financial side to it, too. My mom and I had no other way to live life but on minimal resources. We could not afford a variety of things, so we only had what we truly needed and bought new things only when the old ones ended.

But back then, I valued everything I owned, and there was no need for gratitude journals to remind me to appreciate everything I had. I was grateful not only for possessions… but for home, nature, surroundings, and all my experiences.

During summers, I used to go to the lake, drop myself on the grass, and lay for hours, basking in the warm sunshine while admiring the ever-changing patterns of the drifting clouds and the delightful buzz of busy bees around me. I enjoyed exploring the snowy forest in winter, taking long walks, skiing, skating, and squealing with joy while sliding on my bum from the top of the icy mountain.

Autumn was magical, too. I couldn’t help but notice the beauty of the golden paths. On rainy days, I loved to cozy up next to the window and watch the graceful dance of raindrops. In spring, my friends and I used to eagerly rush to the woods to discover the first violets in bloom and listen to the sweet melodies of the early birds singing. Each season brought unique wonders, and every day was a special occasion filled with simple joys and heartwarming emotions.

Today, we live in a fast-paced world where we need reminders to slow down and relearn to notice, enjoy, and appreciate these simple joys that enrich our daily lives.

Learn to slow down #learntoslowdown

I admit that when life progressed, I followed to live as fast as everyone else. So fast that I no longer had time to see the beauty of the ordinary. Influenced by societal pressures, I felt I constantly had to dream big, live large, and accumulate possessions to define success.

Consequently, in 2006, I moved to the UK to chase my big dreams. Through many obstacles, mistakes, and detour paths, I evolved what seemed like an ideal life – working for a good company, getting trendy things regularly, traveling to popular destinations often, and rushing to live by planning weeks, months, and years so that I don’t miss out…

Like many others, I, too, fell into the alluring consumerism and social media trap. Even though I knew it displayed a curated glimpse of people’s lives or pushed products for sale, I still wanted to have what everyone else had. I chased trends and shopped endlessly for new things to keep up with ever-changing fashion tendencies. In 2020, I even graduated from the London College of Style as a Personal Stylist and planned to chase trends for clients.

Until one day, when I was doing my own wardrobe edit, I realized I didn’t need at least half of the clothes in my wardrobe and that I shopped far more than I could consume. Watching the world getting on fire and having earthquakes, floods, storms, and hurricanes more often each year, it was clear to me that I had to reconsider my consumption and future career plans.

I did a lot of research and decided to pivot and use my personal styling skills to support the Slow Fashion field. Using the three piles method (Love, Maybe, and Goodbye), I created my first Capsule Wardrobe, wearing only 33 items throughout the summer and not shopping for anything new. To my great surprise, I really enjoyed downsizing, so soon after that, the Minimalist Wardrobe for the whole year followed.

I enjoyed free and fresh space so much that I extended this minimalist approach to all other areas at home. Using the same three piles method, I reviewed everything I had in my kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and all the other rooms… Later, I applied the same decluttering process to everything else in my life: goals, activities, commitments, and even relationships!

This is when I realized that slowing down and being present really made me hear myself. I realized that many things I’ve done and many decisions I made weren’t for me. They were for someone else… I realized that the more ticks I was getting on the checklist society had created, the more toxic and unhappy life was becoming… I realized that happiness is in simplicity! And I realized that all I wanted was to lay on the grass, watch the passing clouds, and listen to the buzz of busy bees.

Simplifying and adopting minimalism changed my life! I cleared my physical and mental space, I learned to prioritize quality over quantity, make the right (for me) decisions, and focus on what truly matters (for me), allowing me to work on achieving my dreams, one of which was for my partner and me to live closer to nature in a country where summer seasons are defined. So we decided to move.

The country-moving journey wasn’t straightforward, but decluttering our lives from non-essential commitments helped us to shape our focus and direct our efforts towards making our dreams come true. In the summer of 2022, my partner and I packed our suitcases and moved to Munich, Germany.

Happy Journey! Journey to Munich. #movingtomunich

We lived in the UK for over 15 years, but in this picture, you see everything we owned when we left the country. Before we moved to Munich, we downsized so much that we fit everything in just six suitcases. Decluttering felt amazing, and we promised ourselves never to clutter our home again!

Now, we live in a small but cute apartment near the magnificent Bavarian Alps, beautiful lakes, and peaceful rivers. Our days are filled with the delight of exploring charming Bavarian towns and basking in the wonders of nature in this stunning region.

After moving here, I realized it doesn’t take much for me to be happy – living a beautiful, ordinary life has become a true source of joy for me! I no longer feel the need to chase constantly changing trends, have grandiose plans, or do activities labeled by society as fun and exciting.

My dreams coexist harmoniously with my present, and I appreciate the pure and simple moments that make my life extraordinary.

The Magnificent Alps<br />
#alps<br />

I believe there’s immense value in embracing an ordinary life. It brings calm and peace, nurtures deep and meaningful relationships, enables us to be present with our loved ones, helps us focus on what we genuinely care about, and allows us to revel in the little wins along the way. Minimalism brings all these qualities, not to mention reduced consumption and the environmental benefits!

Embracing minimalism brought me freedom, everyday happiness, and joy, so much so that in 2023, I became a certified Life Coach and launched a Happy with Less · Minimalist Lifestyle Coaching Program to help those who want to embark on a Minimalist Lifestyle journey and discover how to be happy with less. Now, using my life coaching and personal styling skills, I help curb excessive consumption and focus on what matters most.

This is my Minimalist Lifestyle journey. I would love to hear yours! Please connect on social media channels or send me a message via [email protected]. I will be thrilled to hear from you! 🤍

Start Your Minimalist Lifestyle Journey!

You don’t have your Minimalist Lifestyle story yet? No worries! Starting it could be as easy as requesting a call, doing a Minimalism Challenge, or simply creating a Minimalist Wardrobe (speaking from my own experience 😉)!

A Free Discovery Call #FreeDiscoveryCall

Book A Free Discovery Call

30·Minutes Discovery Call to see if the “Happy with Less” program is for you.

How to become a Minimalist? Check out this easy to follow 30-Step Minimalism Challenge and start your Minimalist lifestyle journey today! #minimalismchallenge #howtobecomeaminimalist #becomingminimalist #minimalist #minimalism #minimallifestyle

Start A Minimalism Challenge

A new clutter-free lifestyle could be only 30 easy steps away!

Wardrobe Planner Workbook #Wardrobe Planner Workbook #WardrobePlannerWorkbook

Create A Minimalist Wardrobe

Everything you need to know about creating and maintaining a functional Minimalist Wardrobe

Becoming A Minimalist: 30-Step Minimalism Challenge

Becoming A Minimalist: 30-Step Minimalism Challenge

Becoming a minimalist overnight may not be possible, but making a decent start in 30 simple steps is achievable!

This Minimalism Challenge is just about that – taking your first 30 steps towards becoming a minimalist. The challenge is suitable for beginners and those who have already been on their minimalist living journey but would like to revisit and enjoy the process. I go through this process regularly, and believe me, completing this challenge is satisfying every time I do!

The 30·Step Minimalism Challenge focuses not only on decluttering physical space but also on mindset and mental well-being.

Take your time to complete this challenge. There is no need to rush into things, especially when making a significant lifestyle change. Sometimes, if we try too hard, too quickly, and too drastically, a change is not enjoyable and can have a reverse effect.

We are creatures of habit, and changes that distract our regular pattern can be hard to embrace and understand. When we don’t understand, we are more likely to give up before seeing any positive effects and returning to our old ways of living.

Moreover, not everyone is extremist, nor do we have to be! All we can do is adopt minimalist lifestyle principles in the way they suit us. It is essential to find our own pace to be comfortable.

Minimalism Challenge: 30 Easy Steps To Becoming A Minimalist #minimalismchallenge #howtobecomeaminimalist #becomingaminimalist

30·Step Minimalism Challenge Rules

Complete The Minimalism Challenge in 30 Steps

30·Step Minimalism Challenge is a thoughtful, step-by-step guide designed to organize the order of this challenge and help you go through the process more efficiently. This challenge can be done in two ways:

     ⟫ 1 –  Follow this article.

     ⟫ 2 –  Download the FREE PDF version, which is not only the instant printable containing the same 30·Step Minimalism Challenge but also includes helpful worksheets to complete and make your notes. It also has 3 Bonuses to help you go through the challenge.

MINIMALISM CHALLENGE FREE PDF 30·Step Minimalism Challenge - Start Your Minimalist Lifestyle Journey in 30 Easy Steps #Minimalism Challenge #Minimalism Challenge free PDF #MinimalismChallenge #MinimalismChallengeFreePDF

If you choose to take up this challenge by following the article below, you can download the 30·Step Minimalism Challenge Checklist to help you plan and track your progress. Once you have completed an assignment, you can check or cross it off in the downloaded checklist.

Customize The Order

Following the steps in the order of the Minimalism Challenge isn’t essential. You can customize it to your lifestyle and needs. Make it comfortable for you!

     ⟫ Suggested Approach for Beginners: As mentioned, it is not essential, but it is suggestible for beginners to work on the minimalism challenge by following steps in the order they are listed below. You can make minor tweaks to make the 30 steps better fit your lifestyle, but try not to skip them to get the best outcome.

     ⟫ Suggested Approach for Minimalists: If you are a minimalist and already live a minimalist lifestyle, you may not need to follow every step and complete every assignment if you keep up with good work maintaining particular areas in your life. In this case, skip the steps you have in succession that don’t require action and move on to the ones relative to you.

Do One Step at A Time

Remember, minimalism is all about quality, not quantity! Quality often suffers when rushing and multitasking. This is one of the reasons why this challenge is called the 30·Step Minimalism Challenge instead of the 30-Day Minimalism Challenge.

Each step has a task assigned. Some of the tasks will be easier and quicker to complete. Some will be more thorough and will take more time. Do one task at a time to focus and learn the most out of it.

Catch Up If You Missed The Assignment Or Restart If You Left It Incomplete

If you missed a step, you can do it next. If you left the step incomplete, you can restart it again.

Sometimes, it is common to move on to a more manageable task when you get stuck but instead try to tackle a challenge to solve it. Break the task into small steps if needed, and take your time to make sure it’s complete.

30·Step Minimalism Challenge

Step Set I: Mindset and Preparation

It’s important to have a clear vision of what you want your new lifestyle to look like before making any changes.

Step 1  – Educate Yourself

Familiarize yourself with the minimalist lifestyle. Learn about the philosophy and benefits of minimalism and how it can improve your life.

Learn about minimalism by reading, watching, and listening to different approaches and ideas. Draw inspiration from various sources to implement minimalism in different areas of your life.

Also, you can check out this helpful article below:

Step 2  – Define Your ‘Why’ And ‘What’ You Want To Change

Reflect on why you want to adopt a Minimalist Lifestyle. Analyze your habits and identify priorities. List your reasons and motivations by priority and refer to them throughout the minimalism challenge.

Step 3  – Set Goals

Setting clear goals that can guide and motivate you throughout your challenge and beyond is essential. Start by identifying your priorities, naming your goals, setting actions that will help you achieve those goals, establishing specific measurements, and creating a timeline.

Step Set II: Declutter And Simplify Physical Space

Cleaning, decluttering, and reorganizing your home can be daunting, especially if you try to do everything simultaneously. It’s best to break it down into smaller parts. Start by dividing your home into specific areas and assign each zone to a step on the list below. The list includes common areas found in most homes, but feel free to adapt it to fit your needs. Add a step for any extra spaces you have, or remove any steps that don’t apply to you. Focus on one step at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed and concentrate on specific areas, such as a closet, room, or storage unit.

Step 4  – Set Your Mind To Purge

Decluttering can be difficult, especially when you have been holding onto certain items for a long time. To successfully declutter, you must shift your mindset to a stronger and more rational state that will enable you to let go of unnecessary belongings. Saying “goodbye” to clutter may be challenging, but it can be done with the right mindset.

If you download the 30·Step Minimalism Challenge FREE PDF version, it includes the BONUS number 2 guide, which is all about letting things go with ease.

Start decluttering, look at your things differently, and open your mind to new beginnings!

Set II: Declutter And Simplify Physical Space<br />
#minimalismchallenge #DeclutterAndSimplifyPhysicaSpace

Step 5  – Declutter The Junk Drawer

I often come across advice on decluttering that suggests starting from the smallest parts of your home. However, I personally prefer to tackle the trickiest part first. For me, that’s the junk drawer. I think everyone has a junk drawer in their home where they toss random stuff, making it difficult to sort out later. So, my suggestion is to begin by emptying it and returning things to their rightful place or getting rid of them.

If you would like to start decluttering in a particular order, this is the time to review all the Set II steps and decide how you want to customize all the assignments so they work best for you.

Step 6  – Declutter And Simplify Paper Clutter

This is another time-consuming area to clear. Go through all your papers and categorize them. Get rid of what no longer has value and organize your documents.

Step 7  – Declutter And Simplify Kitchen

Organizing the kitchen can be time-consuming since it has many cabinets and drawers filled with cooking items, some of which may already be expired.

Begin by emptying the fridge and freezer, and clean and return only the unexpired items. Repeat the process for each cabinet, drawer, and cupboard. Keep only frequently used appliances and find a new home for the ones not used in the past year.

Step 8  – Declutter And Simplify The Living Room

It is the same in the living room and all the other rooms. Clear, clean, and refresh the shelves, bookcases, and all cupboards. Keep surfaces clear and opt for hidden storage options like ottomans and lowboards with cabinets and drawers. Only display a few essential items, such as lamps, plants, or favorite decorations, for a clean and uncluttered look.

Step 9  – Declutter And Simplify The Bedroom

Probably the biggest part to review in a bedroom is the closet. Editing your clothing in a wardrobe, dressers, and drawers can be daunting, challenging, and time-consuming.

To simplify this process, I have created an easy-to-follow Wardrobe Detox Map, which is included as a BONUS 3 in the  30·Step Minimalism Challenge FREE PDF version.

Download this guide and use the map. It will help you declutter your wardrobes and make decisions on clothing and accessories easier.

If you’re looking to do more than just declutter your wardrobe and instead would like to embark on a comprehensive journey to revamp your closet and (re)connect with your personal style, check out STEP 26, where I encourage you to curate your wardrobe with a minimalist approach. You can decide to create your new organized and functional wardrobe now or wait until you reach STEP 26 on the list.

Whether you decluttered your wardrobe with the Wardrobe Detox Map or chose a more transformational approach of creating a Minimalist or Capsule Wardrobe, after that, review other storage spaces in your bedroom and get rid of everything that is no longer essential.

Finally, purge old linens and towels and move on to the next step of the challenge.

Step 10  – Declutter And Simplify Bathroom And Toiletries

Same for the bathroom. Empty and remove everything from the cupboards. Think about when you last used skincare or hair products and purge everything living there without purpose. Return to the cabinets only the things you use regularly. To maintain it minimal, ensure you are not buying anything new until the old one is finished.

Step 11  – Declutter And Simplify Makeup And Beauty Products

Go through your beauty products and get rid of anything that is expired, not in your color or skin type, and leave only what you use regularly. You can give things you don’t use to friends and family, sell new items, or donate lightly used ones. Use makeup and nail polish organizers to systematize and display your collection.

Step 12  – Declutter And Simplify Workspace

Clearing your workspace can enhance your productivity, whether you work from home or in an office. Organize desk drawers, shelves, and filing cabinets by keeping only what’s necessary. Review your workspace regularly to avoid clutter. A storage-less desk with only essential items can help you do tasks promptly and keep the space clear.

Clean space, productive pace #cleanworkspace #cleanoffice #cleanspaceproductivepace

Step 13  – Declutter And Simplify Hallway

Hallways are probably the easiest and quickest rooms in the houses to declutter as they are small, and we usually keep just the things we regularly use anyway. So, just clean, review, reassess and get rid of anything you don’t need.

Step Set III: Declutter And Simplify Digital Space

I am almost certain we all have this issue – the accumulation of digital clutter.

I know clearing a digital space could be a little pleasure and very time-consuming, so it is essential you take it easy on yourself and make it as painless as possible.

Step 14  – Get Rid Of Old Devices

By this point, you most likely got rid of all the unnecessary gadgets as you cleared your physical living space, but this is another chance to do it by focusing on this particular category.

Look through your home and gather all your old phones, tablets, computers, remotes, and gaming systems. Before disposing, ensure all the devices are wiped clean of your personal data, then take items to an electronics recycler or sell or give away the ones still in good condition.

Step 15  – Organize Your Digital Files & Photos

Today we take so many videos and photos of one and the same thing. Review your files on your computer and cloud storage. Delete blurry, duplicated, unwanted images and videos. You can start from the oldest or newest or from the file size. For a quick space recovery, prioritize the review of the largest files. Delete anything unnecessary and organize the ones you decide to keep.

Step 16  – Erase Unnecessary Phone Contacts

Over the years, you probably have many contacts stored on your phone that you don’t even know where they came from. Delete all of those. You don’t need their number if you don’t remember who they are.

Step 17  – Delete Unused And Organize Used Applications

Please review every gadget you use and delete any unused applications. There is no need for an app to take up your digital space if you are not using it. In addition, organizing the apps you decide to keep by category or activity in folders would be helpful. This will help your device look cleaner and make it easier for you to find apps.

Step 18  – Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions And Memberships

Check your bank statements to find services you don’t use, like subscriptions, memberships, or products. Cancel or unsubscribe to save money. Use saved money to pay off your debt, or if you’re comfortable financially, you can add what you save to your savings.

Step 19  – Clear Out And Organize Your Inbox

Delete and unsubscribe from newsletters you never read. Set up a filing system for important emails. Deal with emails when you receive them to avoid build-up. Work on one inbox at a time.

Step 20  – Detox Your Social Media

Clean up your social media accounts. Delete the ones you rarely visit and unfollow or delete those that no longer add value to your life.

Step 21  – Turn Off Notifications

This step of the minimalism challenge involves reviewing your notifications. Notifications can be distracting and lead to reduced concentration. Turn off notifications for non-essential apps, social media, and emails. Instead, check them at a designated time.

Alternatively, switch off notifications entirely and check them when you want. Check your device settings for these options.

Step 22  – Try Life Without Digital World

Taking time off from technology can be beneficial for your well-being.

Try it for a day or two and see how you feel. During that time, focus on self-care by attending an extra yoga class, learning something new, reading a book, or meeting an old friend. If you enjoy the break, make it a regular practice to improve your overall well-being.

Step Set IV: Adopt And Embrace Minimalist Habits

When I first heard about minimalism, I thought it was all about just getting rid of stuff and decluttering. How wrong I was! – A minimalist lifestyle is a mindful world powered by simplicity and intentionality that focuses on life goals and priorities.

I believe minimalism is a path to achieving a sense of freedom, clarity, and contentment by letting go of unnecessary physical and mental burdens. Embrace this lifestyle, embrace the new healthier habits.

Step 23  – Prioritize Meaningful Experiences

Declutter your schedule from non-essential activities, say no to unnecessary obligations, and prioritize what’s truly meaningful to you.

Replace bad habits with opposite actions, like swapping social media for learning a new skill or walking in the park instead of watching TV. Remember to prioritize your own happiness and do what’s best for you!

Step 24  – Learn To Love Simple Moments

Learning to love simple moments is a beautiful practice that can bring more joy and contentment to your daily life. Slow down, notice beautiful moments in the ordinary and be grateful.

Step 25  – Learn To Admire Things Without Needing To Own Them

I used to buy things I found cute in store windows, but now I admire them from afar. I think of what I already have and move on. If I can’t stop thinking about it, I evaluate if I need it and what value it would add to my life. As a minimalist lifestyle coach and personal stylist, I encourage people to embrace their unique style and not chase trends. Your style – the personal style never goes out of trend!

Step 26  – Create A Minimalist Wardrobe

Talking about styles… Clothing and accessories play a significant role in our lives. Many of us spend a lot of money, time, and effort on them. However, creating a Minimalist Wardrobe can reduce your spending, time, and effort.

Having a minimalist wardrobe has many benefits, and it was the starting point of my minimalist lifestyle journey, too.

You can download a UNIQUE YOU Minimalist Wardrobe Planner Workbook that will help you create an organized and functional Minimalist or Capsule Wardrobe in just six easy steps!

The UNIQUE YOU Minimalist Wardrobe Planner Workbook is your blueprint to downsizing effortlessly. Packed with step-by-step instructions, personalized worksheets, and real-life examples, it’s your path to mindful wardrobe choices and a more intentional approach to fashion.

The journey doesn’t end with organization. It begins with a transformation! Get your guide here and unlock the secrets to a wardrobe that truly reflects the unique, authentic YOU!

Step 27  – Apply Principal Quality Over Quantity For Everything!

Prioritizing quality over quantity is a key minimalist principle. This approach impacted my life the most as it always makes me feel good about my decisions. I choose mindful things by evaluating what value they bring to my life. This simple adjustment can change the quality of your life, too.

Step 28  – Practice Self-Care

There is probably no need to explain why self-care is so important to us. Self-care and engaging in activities that promote personal growth, manage stress, relaxation, and overall well-being are essential. So, exercise regularly, unwind often, and practice mindfulness daily.

Self-care, take your power back!</p>
<p>"Self-care is how you take your power back." - Lalah Delia #self-care #self-carelalahdelia

Step 29  – Assess The Progress And Celebrate Success

Take some time to reflect on your minimalist lifestyle journey so far.

Make a list of your wins and successes, celebrate your progress, and notice the positive changes that they have brought to your life.

Remember, minimalism is all about enjoying the present moment, so why not honor your triumphs, no matter how big or small they may be? Keep this list and continue adding to it. If you have a day when things don’t feel so light, skim through this list to remember all the positive changes that minimalism has brought to your life.

Step 30  – Invest In Your Dreams

Invest in your dreams! Adjust your schedule, manage your finances, build relationships, and learn new skills. Focus on what’s important and avoid distractions. Even small steps forward can get you closer to your goal. Plan carefully, set boundaries, and incorporate minimalism to make progress – small but consistent steps towards your dreams.

Congratulations, you made your first 30 steps into your new minimalist lifestyle life! I hope the minimalism challenge wasn’t too challenging for you and you enjoyed the process.

The thing about clutter is that it tends to accumulate over time. It can build up gradually and unintentionally. Therefore, regularly reviewing different areas of our lives is necessary to maintain a sense of order and control. Evaluating priorities, tidying up our physical space, and reviewing spending habits can provide valuable insights into our habits and patterns. Repeat these steps as often as you need and set new goals to continue your minimalist lifestyle journey.

Minimalism is a lifelong journey about being comfortable, finding balance, simplifying your life, and focusing on what truly matters to YOU. Enjoy the process, be patient, and embrace the benefits of living with less.

I am so excited for you!

If you feel comfortable, share your story on Instagram or Facebook! Add @mstylealley and tag #mstylealley & #happywithless. I would be thrilled to hear from you!

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