Hi there,

I am Angele, a Minimalist Lifestyle Coach and Personal Stylist specializing in Minimalist Wardrobes. Welcome to M·style alley (Minimalist Style Alley), the corner of the web where I invite you to slow down, simplify your life, reduce consumption, and adopt a more intentional and mindful way of living.

In today’s world, overconsumption has become a soaring topic, and as a nature enthusiast, I feel a sense of responsibility to help with it, even if it’s just in a small way.

While one person may not change the world, a crowd can make a significant difference!

I believe that adopting a Minimalist Lifestyle is a powerful way to address this issue. It’s not just about cutting consumption – it’s also about healthier living. Minimalism has brought nothing but positive changes to my life, and I’m excited to share my experiences with you.

Angele Smaguryte at Mstyle Alley 1 About

My mission is to help people realize that we don’t need many things to be happy – we only need the right ones! I encourage you to slow down, simplify your life, prioritize quality over quantity, and make a positive change.

I assist women in starting a Minimalist Lifestyle journey, helping them overcome consumerism overwhelm, transform their space, and elevate their lives, whether they choose to simplify all at once or focus on a specific part of life. The Minimalist Lifestyle journey is personal!

I focus on quality over quantity and encourage conscious and intentional living. I believe that intentional living and reduced consumption not only benefit the planet but also enhance our well-being. Less clutter makes a healthier mind. A healthier mind creates a healthier home and more space for things that are important to us.

I believe that well-being and self-care are the things that truly matter and that a Minimalist Lifestyle supports and creates an environment for them.

So, let’s slow down, embrace simplicity, and be happy with less together!

With love,

Angele Smaguryte at Mstyle Alley 2 About

I am Angele, a Minimalist Lifestyle Coach and Personal Stylist specializing in Minimalist Wardrobes. Welcome to M·style alley (Minimalist Style Alley), the corner of the web where I invite you to slow down, simplify your life, reduce consumption, and adopt a more intentional and mindful way of living.

In today’s world, overconsumption has become a soaring topic, and as a nature enthusiast, I feel a sense of responsibility to help with it, even if it’s just in a small way. While one person may not change the world, a crowd can make a significant difference!

I believe that adopting a Minimalist Lifestyle is a powerful way to address this issue. It’s not just about cutting consumption – it’s also about healthier living. Minimalism has brought nothing but positive changes to my life, and I’m excited to share my experiences with you.

My mission is to help people realize that we don’t need many things to be happy – we only need the right ones! I encourage you to slow down, simplify your life, prioritize quality over quantity, and make a positive change.

I assist women in starting a Minimalist Lifestyle journey, helping them overcome consumerism overwhelm, transform their space, and elevate their lives, whether they choose to simplify all at once or focus on a specific part of life. The Minimalist Lifestyle journey is personal!

I focus on quality over quantity and encourage conscious and intentional living. I believe that intentional living and reduced consumption not only benefit the planet but also enhance our well-being. Less clutter makes a healthier mind. A healthier mind creates a healthier home and more space for things that are important to us.

I believe that well-being and self-care are the things that truly matter and that a Minimalist Lifestyle supports and creates an environment for them.

So, let’s slow down, embrace simplicity, and be happy with less together!

With love,


On M·style alley You Will Find:

Find out how to become a Minimalist in 30 days! Explore the essence of minimalism, its core principles, and its transformative effects on our daily lives. #minimalist #minimalistlifestyle #minimalism #minimalistin30days #HowtoBecomeaMinimalistin30Days

Minimalist Lifestyle

Everything about Minimalist Lifestyle and its transformative effects

'Happy with Less' - The Minimalist Lifestyle Coaching Program #happywithless #coachingprogram

Coaching Program

The Minimalist Lifestyle Coaching Program ‘Happy With Less’

Start 30-Step Minimalism Challenge Today #MinimalismChallenge #30-StepMinimalismChallenge

Minimalism Challenge

A new clutter-free lifestyle could be only 30 easy steps away!


Minimalist Wardrobe

Everything you need to know about creating and maintaining a functional Minimalist Wardrobe

Minimalist Lifestyle e·store


Transform your life with M·style alley’s collection of Minimalist Lifestyle e-books & guides

M·style Selected - quality over quantity #qualityoverquantity

M·style Selected

Choose quality over quantity from M·style alley’s recommended collections

Minimalist Lifestyle tips and inspirational articles on how to be happy with less #happywithless

Advice, Tips & Inspiration

Minimalist Lifestyle tips and inspirational articles on how to be happy with less

Master new habits of shopping - Buy Less, Buy Better! #newshoppinghabits #buylessbuybetter

Mindful Shopping

Master new habits of shopping – Buy Less, Buy Better!

Self-Care & Well-Being #selfcareandwellbeing #selfcare #wellbeing

Self·Care And Well·Being

Practice SelfCare and enhance overall WellBeing

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